Terms of use

Engaging with our platform in any way beyond visiting this 'Terms' page or any other page than our landing page indicates your acceptance to these regulations and our Privacy Policy. Should you disagree, you're advised not to use our site. Inappropriate Conduct


In cases where content might infringe upon the copyright of others, uploading such material is strictly prohibited. Refrain from sharing any content that is offensive, induces violence or crime, or is seen as threatening, defamatory, or harassing. Posting illegal content, including but not limited to child pornography or unauthorized ('revenge') pornography, is forbidden. Pretending to be someone else is not acceptable. Avoid using our platform to distribute image collections, website content, advertising, avatars, or anything that makes us your content hosting platform. Should you do so, or engage in any unlawful activities - the assessment of which rests entirely with us - we will not only ban you and the associated website, but also delete all your images, report you to the proper authorities if needed, and block you from viewing any images hosted on our site. We are serious about this.


Ownership of Content


When you upload any content or leave a comment, you are asserting to us that (1) such actions do not infringe upon anyone else's rights; and (2) you are the original creator of the content you are uploading or have adequate intellectual property rights to upload it in line with these conditions. As for any content you upload on the public domains of our platform, you provide makenude.ai a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive license (with the rights to sublicense and assign) to use, exhibit online and across any existing or future media, create derivative content, allow downloads, and/or share any such file or content. If you choose to delete any content from the public domains of our platform, the license you provide to us will automatically be discontinued, but will remain valid for any content makenude.ai has already duplicated and sublicensed or allocated for sublicensing. Additionally, even after you remove it, anything you post publicly on our platform can be used by the public under the following clause.


Notification of Claimed Copyright Infringement


If you find any content on our platform that you believe violates your copyright rights, you can inform our Digital Millennium Copyright Act ('DMCA') agent by sending the necessary details: Identification of the copyrighted work or works that you believe have been infringed. IMPORTANT: please include your copyright registration number. If your work has not been registered yet, please provide a copy of your application submitted to the Copyright Office. The copyright infringement claim can only be lodged if the work has been registered. Current registration time is approximately seven months. Identification of the content on our servers that you believe is infringing and needs to be removed. This includes the URL or other info that helps us locate the content. A statement affirming your good faith belief that the complained use of the material is not authorized by you, your agent, or the law. A statement, under penalty of perjury, that confirms the accuracy of your notice's information and your ownership (or your authorization to act on behalf of the owner) of the exclusive copyright allegedly being violated. Your physical or electronic signature, or that of your authorized representative, along with instructions on how we can contact you, ideally through email but also through address and phone.


Warranty Disclaimers, Limitations on Liability, Indemnity


At makenude.ai, we strive for dependability but our services are provided on an AS IS - WITH ALL FAULTS basis. Your engagement with our services is at your discretion. We can't assure uninterrupted service availability, reliability when operational, the sustained availability or integrity of files on our servers. Our decision on making backups and their availability for restoration remains at our discretion. makenude.ai DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, including IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS AND MERCHANTABILITY. Even when makenude.ai takes measures to remove inappropriate or harmful content from our site, we are under no obligation to monitor any content on our site. makenude.ai assumes no responsibility for the accuracy, appropriateness, or harmlessness of any content on makenude.ai that isn't created by us, including user content, advertising content, among others.


Your exclusive recourse in case of service loss, or loss of images or other data stored on makenude.ai's platform is to discontinue using our service. makenude.ai will not be liable for any type of damages arising from your use of, or inability to use, makenude.ai's services, regardless of our knowledge of such damages. Any legal action against makenude.ai due to your use of our services must be initiated within a year after it occurs.


You agree to indemnify and hold harmless makenude.ai and all its personnel from all loss, liability, claims, damages, and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, resulting from your violation of these terms, your infringement of any third party's rights, and any damage caused to any third party as a result of your uploading of files, comments, or any other content to our servers.